WordPlay » Blog Archive » Behind the Scenes: Backlist Ebooks
That is a link to a blog entry explaining a group that C. J. Cherryh pointed me to on facebook.
Writers with out of print backlist titles can get a publisher to do the ebook (as I've done with Wildside Press for Molt Brother and City of a Million Legends) -- or they can put the ebook version on Kindle or smashwords or several other places and get a larger percentage as I've done with Dushau, Farfetch, Outreach and the two Daniel R. Kerns titles in omnibus HERO AND BORDER DISPUTE.
I've been invited to write a blog entry for http://madgeniusclub.blogspot.com/ and I'll talk a little about the ebook revolution and this group.
This is all about the business of writing.
Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Of M.I.C.E. And Memory
1 day ago